How Do I Use Broadcast Scheduling?

Strategically plan and personalize your engagement and participant support with our Broadcast Scheduling feature when setting up and managing programs.

Quick Links: 

Who has access to Broadcast Scheduling?

  • ACPs  and Firm Users
  • Client and Program Administrators

What is Broadcast Scheduling?

The Broadcast Scheduling feature makes it easy to schedule and personalize comments to go out to your participants based on their habit building stage or experience.

You can schedule comments to send automatically when certain ‘trigger’ events occur on a participant’s commitment, lending a guiding hand to your participants when they need it most, or send a comment immediately.

You can set comments to go out to all participants or filter to send to specific participants based on Groups, Commitment Themes, Commitment Stage, and Check-ins and on specific time duration from the commitment creation date.

Triggers currently available: 

  • Celebratory 
    • X number of days after a commitment has been created 
    • Days in a row with check-ins
    • Check-ins in a row with a journal entry
  • Encouragement 
    • After X number of missing check-ins 
    • After X number of check-ins without journal entries
  • Reflect
    • After Commitment Completed (Commitment duration has elapsed)
    • after they received their first reflection notification 
    • After Reflection has been completed

Tip! Actionable will automatically send out 2 reflection notifications to Participants: 1 day and 3 days after the Commitment has completed, as long as there are reflection questions. If the Participant completes the reflection, they won't get another notification.
If you use the After Reflection Notification broadcast it replaces the second notification, and you can customize the message.

Personalization Tokens allow you to include dynamic text into your Broadcasted Comment, by using tokens such as the #FIRST_NAME# to insert the participant’s first name even when sending to multiple participants.

Here you can see more about what a participant will receive when a Host comments on their Commitment.

How to Schedule or Personalize a Broadcast Comment:

You can set up Broadcast Scheduling as you create your Program and set up your Modules, or anytime throughout the program. You'll find the Broadcast Scheduling Tab in your Module Screen.

From the Program Overview Tab:

  1. Locate the Module that you would like to edit.
  2. Click the three dots on the top right-hand corner of the Module box
    1. Click "View/Edit Module."
      1. From the Module screen select the "Broadcast" Tab.
    2. Or click "Broadcast Scheduling" to be taken directly. 

Identify Sender and Recipients:

  1. Select which User should be seen as the "commenter" when received by the Participant.
  2. Select the Group you would like the comment to be sent to or leave it blank to send to all groups. 
  3. Select the Commitment Theme you would like this comment to be sent to or leave it blank to send to all.
  4. Select the Commitment Stage: Active Commitments, Reflections Not Complete, or Completed Commitments. (Required)

Set Comment Delivery Trigger

Confirm when you'd like your comment to be sent, and on which conditions based on the status of a participant's Commitment.

1. Select Now or Timeline Option:

    • Now - will send out the comment once you click "Send" and will go to the selected group of participants within approximately 5 minutes.
    • Timeline - will allow you to schedule a comment to go out based # of Days After the trigger you select.

2. Select one of the Triggers to send comment automatically to specific Participants.

Trigger Options:

    • After Making a Commitment - will send out a comment x days after a commitment.
    • Missed Check-ins - will send out a comment the next day after x days of missed check-ins.
    • Check-ins without Journal Entries - will send out a comment the next day after x days with check-ins without Journal Entries 
    • After Reflection Notification - will send out a comment X days after the initial reflection notification was sent out. (Note: By default, reminder notifications will automatically go to all Participants after 3 days.)

3. Select the number of Days After the trigger for the comment to be sent out.

4. Select the time you would like the comment to be sent in the participants local time.

5. Select if you want this trigger to repeat or to send only once. 

Note: Now and Date Broadcasts will be sent to all active commitments, Timeline Broadcasts will only be sent to people who make commitments after the Broadcasts were set up. 

Add Comment Text

Customize and personalize the content of your comments to meet Participants where they're at.

  1. In the text field, add the message you would like to send to participants (keeping the triggers and timing set above in mind). The text box allows up to 2048 characters per message.
  2. Click on a Personalization Token to add it directly to the text of your comment. When included in the message, it will change the message for each participant commitment. Example: Select First Name token and #FIRST_NAME# will appear in the text field, and in the message to the participant it will say: "Richard".


  • You must include Check-In Link or Reflection Link tokens in your comment text if you want Participants directed to these screens directly from the comment. 
  • Consider including a quick signature in your comment. For SMS notifications, the participant won't immediately see who made the comment otherwise.

2. Click "Schedule" or "Send" (depending on Now or Timeline option)

    1. To edit your Scheduled Comment navigate to the pencil icon under "Options".

Example Uses

After Making a Commitment 

Days After: 15 

Congratulations, You have made it to that halfway mark of the commitment only #DAYS_LEFT# days left until we meet back up and review the results. What are you taking from our session on #SESSION_DATE# to advance your #THEME# Commitment. Keep Checking-In #COMMITMENT_DASHBOARD_URL#. - CT

Missed Check-ins 

# of Missed Check-Ins: 3

Hey #FIRST_NAME#, I see you haven't checked-in over the last few days. To continue to develop on your #THEME# Commitment you can check-in here: #COMMITMENT_DASHBOARD_URL#. 

# of Missed Check-ins: 7

Good Afternoon #FIRST_NAME#, It looks like you haven't checked in a while. Would it make more sense to change the time you get your notification? Or maybe even switching from Email to SMS (or the other way around). You can do that here: #SETTING_URL# , we would love to hear how you are doing with the commitment. - Actionable Team 

Check-In without Journal Entries

Days after: 7

Hi #FIRST_NAME#, Your progress this far has been great. Feel free to take one minute and write a reflection about the process of this commitment: #COMMITMENT_DASHBOARD_URL#. You only have #DAYS_LEFT# days left in the commitment - Chat soon!

After Reflection Notification

Days After: 1
Good Morning #FIRST_NAME#, It is always important to reflect after a process like this. Take 3 minutes to complete the reflection! #COMMITMENT_DASHBOARD_URL#! We will see you soon, Team Name!