How Do I Delete a Program?

Whether you've made a program for practice or by mistake, you can remove Programs without data from your dashboard anytime.

Follow these 3 steps to complete the process:


 1. Delete Modules

    1. Navigate to the Program that you want to delete.
    2. Click the three dots in the top corner of the Module tile,
    3. Find and click "Delete Module,"
    4. Click "Yes" to confirm the removal of the module,
    5. Repeat as necessary until no modules remain.
  1. Delete all Groups
    1. Click the three dots in the top corner of the Group tile.
    2. Find and click "Delete Group."
    3. Click "Yes" to confirm the removal of the Group.
    4. Repeat as necessary until no Groups remain.
  2. Delete the Program
    1. Refresh the page and at the top middle a button will appear which will say "Delete Program."
    2. Click the button "Delete Program."
    3. Confirm the removal by clicking "yes."
    4. The platform will bring you back to your Program page.