How Do I Delete a Module, Group, or Session?

Either you created it by accident or you need to make changes to your Program and you want to remove a Group, Module, or Session. Here's how you can do that.

Delete a Group

  1. Navigate to your Program Overview Screen.
  2. Click the three dots in the top corner of the Group tile you'd like to delete.
  3. Select "Delete Group."
  4. Click "Yes" to confirm the removal of the Group. Note: this will also remove the associated Sessions and data from each Module.
  5. Review the program to make sure the remaining Groups are in the spot, if not you can select "Move up" and "Move down" from the same menu. 

Delete a Module 

  1. Navigate to your Program Screen.
  2. Click the three dots in the top corner of the Module tile you'd like to delete.
  3. Find and click "Delete Module"
  4. Click "Yes" to confirm the removal of the module. Note: this will also delete all Sessions and data for the Module.
  5. Review the program to make sure the remaining Modules are in the correct order. If not, you can select "Move Right" or "Move Left" from the same menu. 

Delete a Single Session 

  1. Navigate to your Program Overview Screen.
  2. Click the three dots in the top corner of the Session tile
  3. Find and click "Delete Session."
  4. Click "Delete" to confirm the removal of the Session.

Delete Multiple Sessions within a Module

  1. Navigate to your Program Overview Screen.
  2. Click the three dots in the top corner of your Module tile
  3. Select "View/Edit Module."
  4. Go to the "Logistics" Tab.
  5. Scroll down to the list of Sessions
  6. Click the check box next to the Sessions you'd like to delete, or click "Select all."

  7. Click "Bulk Actions"
  8. Select "Delete."
  9. Click "Yes" to confirm the removal of your Sessions.