How Do I Add or Edit an Individual User Account in the Platform?

Add a user so you can assign them to specific User Roles, or edit an existing user's profile.

1. Navigate to "People" Tab

    1. From your main Dashboard, go to "Clients" in your sidebar or "My Organization"
    2. In the Client Dashboard, or My Organization Dashboard click on the "People" Tab

2. Add New User

    1. In the "People" Tab click on "+Add User"
    2. Complete required fields. Minimum fields: First Name, Last Name, Email.
    3. Complete Other fields as needed:
      • Manager: Assign a Manager who will have visibility on participant data (must be a User already, select from drop down)
      • System Owner: Enable full Platform Administrator access to the User for this Client. (Yes/No)
      • Time Zone: Determines when User will receive notifications
      • Language: Automatically defaults to this platform language upon sign-in.
      • Custom Fields (if applicable): To assign categories for reporting
    4. Click "Add Person" to save. User will now show on user list and will be available to assign as a Host or Manager in programs.

3. Edit Existing User

    1. Navigate to Client > "People" Tab
    2. Search User by name in top search bar or scroll to find User name
    3. Click on edit icon for User
    4. Update fields
    5. Click "Save."


Looking to add multiple Users? You can also Upload Bulk Participant Data