Get the the benefit of being able to set up custom fields, manager/team relationships, time zone and language preferences for larger programs across all your participants at once.
Importing and Exporting User Data
Bulk User Data Import and Export is a simple feature that you can access in the platform (on most plans). You can add user data and custom fields to the platform either in advance or after a program has launched. You can also assign Mangers to specific participants in their team - if they have already been set up as Users.
For plans that don't have this feature enabled, you can send your csv file or request to export data via
General instructions can also be found in the platform by clicking on Import Users or Export Users buttons.
Setting Up Your Bulk Upload File
- If you already have Users with commitments and you are adding data to their profile, you can use the Export Users function to create a .csv file and it will include the fields you need:
- Navigate to your client or organization "People" tab
- Click "Export Users" option
- Save file
- Adjust file to add new data (see next step).
- If you don't have Users yet, create your own spreadsheet using appropriate first row column labels, or adjust your exported file to add new data:
- Standard Fields - i.e. First Name (first_name), Last Name(last_name), Email (email) at minimum. See chart below for standard field labels. (Note: Participant ID must be included to update existing profiles).
- Custom fields - you'll need to add these to the client first by going to Custom Fields tab) and creating them. Then, add the assigned field label (custom-field) as a column label in your upload file.
first_name last_name email region manager Judy Smith AUS
- Add Participant data to the Upload file
Complete Upload
- Review file. Check:
- Column labels match platform field labels exactly. See table below and review "Custom Fields" tab in Client Dashboard.
- There are no spaces before or after text in any cells
- There are no blanks
- There are no hidden columns or extra columns when you scroll
- Double check for obvious typos or errors (i.e. .cot instead of .com)
- In “People” tab, click Import Users and upload file as per directions on screen.
Occasionally, you may have an error in your file which will prevent information form loading into User profiles. The uploader tool will identify some errors. Common issues to check:
- If loading new Users - check if they already have an account
- Error in an email address
- Extra information, text, or spaces in a cell
- Information in wrong format i.e. in column label
- Wrong header format
Note: Uploader may identify which row of data had the error - which will be 1 row less than the count in your sheet (it doesn’t include header row).
Standard Platform Field Labels and Descriptions:
Column label | Description |
id | (Optional) |
This user's Actionable User ID. Can be used to update an existing user account. | |
first_name | (Required) |
The user's first name. | |
last_name | (Required) |
The user's last name. | |
(Required) | |
The user's email address. | |
locale | (Optional) |
The language in which this user prefers to use the platform. Valid options are 'en-US' for US English, 'fr-CA' for Canadian French, and es-LA for Spanish | |
If this column is not provided, or the cell is blank, US English will be assumed as the default locale. | |
password | (Optional) |
A temporary password to be set for this account. This field will only have an effect when adding new users. It will be ignored for existing users. | |
The users will be asked to change their password the first time they log in with this temporary password. | |
If this column is not provided, or the cell is blank, the user will receive an activation email with a link the first time they are required to use the platform. | |
manager | (Optional) |
The email address of this user's manager. This will be used to create the association between this user and their manager in the Actionable system, so managers can see their own team's commitments | |
If this column is does not exist, no manager relationship data will be updated. If this column exists, but the cell is empty, any existing manager relationship for this user will be removed. | |
timezone | (Optional) |
The user's timezone. If not provided, it defaults to the timezone on your profile (the user uploading the file). | |
Users have the opportunity to change this when they make a commitment, or through their account settings. Access full Timezone list in platform Bulk Upload screen. |