How Do I Add an Accountability Buddy?

You're two times more likely to be successful in your Habit Builder Commitment with an Accountability Buddy.

Quick Links:

Adding an Accountability Buddy During Commitment Creation

When you first create your Habit Builder Commitment, you'll be prompted to invite an Accountability Buddy. Unless otherwise directed by your Facilitator or Host, you can invite anyone, including colleagues, friends, or family members.

Steps to invite your Buddy:

  • When prompted,either COPY or SHARE the invitation directly via your preferred application. 
  • Your Buddy will receive the invitation and can click the link to accept and support you with your commitment. There is no expiry on your Buddy accepting.

Add an Accountability Buddy from your Commitment Dashboard

If you want to add or change your Accountability Buddy once your Commitment is active, you can do so from your Commitment Dashboard. 

Steps to invite your Buddy from your Dashboard:

  1. Do a check-in (if it asks you to) or go to
  2. Enter your account credentials to log in
  3. Go to My Commitments
  4. Select the active Commitment
  5. Select the Settings Tab
  6. Go to Invite Accountability Buddy
  7. Either COPY or SHARE the invitation directly with your Buddy via your preferred application. 

And if they haven't excepted it yet, you can send them the information again!


More than one Buddy?

Currently, the platform allows only one Buddy per Commitment. Once a Buddy has accepted the invitation, you'll see their details instead of the invitation options. However, triads or groups with uneven numbers can still ensure everyone has a Buddy. While each Participant is limited to one Buddy, one Buddy can accept invitations from multiple Participants.


Person 1 requests person 2
Person 2 requests person 3
Person 3 requests person 1
Person 1 requests person 2
Person 2 requests person 1
Person 3 requests person 1 or 2

What your Accountability Buddy Experiences

Buddies will get invitations from your messaging application of choice including email, text, Slack, Teams Chat. After clicking the link in the invitation, they confirm their acceptance and either create or confirm their account. They will get notified every third check-in to view your progress, ratings, to see and add comments, and to cheer you on! You can find more on the Buddy Experience here!

Example Invitation Message: