How Do I Set up and Support an Administrator?

System and Program Administrators can support a specific Client or Organization to access reports, set up users and programs, and monitor platform activity.

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Administrator Permissions

System Administrator:

  • Set at the Client Level
  • Full administration access for the assigned organization.
  • Can set up and manage People, Programs, Groups, Sessions, and Modules
  • Can view and download reports for any programs, people or groups in the organization, including individual commitment and journal data
  • Can track data and reports for Adoption, Engagement, and Impact

Program Administrator:

  • Set at the Program level
  • Administration access for the assigned Program only
  • Can set up and manage Modules, Groups, and Sessions in their assigned program
  • Can view and download reports for their assigned Program only, including individual commitment and journal data.
  • Can track data and reports for Adoption, Engagement, and Impact for their assigned Program.

Learn more about all of our Actionable Platform Roles here!


Setting up a System Administrator

If they're a new user:

Administrators are set up for a single Client or Organization and only have visibility on content, participants, and data for that organization.

  1. For Firms with more than one client, navigate to the Client that your Administrator will be assigned. 
  2. In the Client, or in your Organization Dashboard, click the "People" Tab.
  3. Click "Add User."
  4. Enter their details. 
  5. Under "System Owner" or "Administrator," select "Yes." 
  6. Click "Add Person."

If they are an existing user.

If your Administrator already has an account under the Organization (i.e. as a participant or facilitator), you can easily change their account permissions to Administrator. 

  1. For Firms with more than one client, navigate to the Client that your Administrator will be assigned. 
  2. In the Client or Organization Dashboard, click the "People" Tab.
  3. Find the user that you wish to change permissions.
  4. Click the Edit Icon under "Options."
  5. Under "System Owner" or "Administrator," select "Yes." 
  6. Click "Save."


Once your Administrator is set up, they will receive an email invitation that looks like this:

SeSystem Administrator Invitation 1


Setting Up a Program Administrator

If they're a new user:

Program Administrators need to be added as a User in the Client and then assigned to a specific Program to have visibility on content and data for that Program.

  1. For Firms with more than one client, navigate to the Client that your Program Administrator will be assigned. 
  2. In the Client, or in your Organization Dashboard, click the "People" Tab.
  3. Click "Add User."
  4. Enter their details. 
  5. Click "Add Person." and go to next step for existing User.

If they are an existing user:

If your Program Administrator already has an account under the Organization (i.e. as a participant or facilitator), you can easily assign them to a Program.

  1. Navigate to the Program you'll be assigning your Administrator.
  2. On the "Permissions Tab", search and select the User you want to assign
  3. Click "Assign" - the User will appear in a list showing everyone with Program Administrator access for the Program.



Once your Administrator is set up, they will receive an email invitation that looks like this:

System Administrator Invitation 1


Where Administrators Log in

Administrators login using the unique Client Login URL included in their invitation "JOIN" button or provided to them directly by you. For Firms with more than one client, here's how to find it.

  1. In your Partners Page, click "Clients."
  2. Next to each of your Clients will be a Client Login URL. 
  3. Share that Client Login URL with your Administrator found in your Client tab or on any Client  program screens.


4. Administrators assigned to more than one Client will need to login to each Client or they can use the "Switch Dashboard" option in their Profile:

    1. Click on Profile image in top corner of Dashboard
    2. Click "Switch Dashboards"
    3. Select the Client organization you'd like to switch to from the dropdown
    4. Click "Go to Selected Dashboard"



Support Available for Administrators

Your Firm is responsible for training and supporting Administrators. However, we have a few ways to help!

  1. We have packaged a playlist with no cost for Administrators to access. It's available here. The course covers how to:
    1. Set up and manage a single Habit Builder Session
    2. Set up and manage a Habit Builder Program
    3. Monitor Participant progress
    4. Extract meaningful insights from data. 
  2. You can also engage Actionable to train Administrators on your behalf. For more information about contracting Actionable for training, please reach out to us at