How Do I Create and Use Custom Fields?

Dig deeper into your data and provide compelling insights for your clients by using custom fields to organize your data and highlight powerful trends at a more granular level.

Adding Custom Fields to the Platform:

Custom Fields are available on most plans, and applied to the Client or Organization, then mapped to Users in the organization. Examples of Custom Fields include job titles, leadership levels, geographical locations, tenure, or other organizational or demographic characteristics.


  1. Navigate to your Client or Organization Dashboard and click on the "Custom Fields" tab. 
  2. Click "Add Field"

  3. Name the Field (e.g. Business Unit, Division, Department, Senior Leader etc.)
  4. Select the Field Type:
    1. Drop down - when adding the field to a user record, you will need to select from a pre-set list of options or use exact text when doing a data upload.You'll need to add the specific options (available values) which will appear in the Field drop down list in the User profile, or as data for completing bulk uploads. This type is ideal when you have a limited number of options, and ensures consistency in reports.
    2. Text- this allows you to free-type or upload any data related to the field. This type is more flexible, and useful when you have many options, but may result in duplicates in your data due to variations in spelling, which may need to be corrected for reporting. 
    3. Business Category Mapping (Optional) - this enables you to link your Custom Field to one of our Actionable Business Categories (standard reporting fields) providing you with additional flexibility using our Adaptable Reports

  5. Once you've added your Field Name, Type, and Values, click "Add" to create the Custom Field.

Once your Custom Field is created, it will be visible in User profiles, and as a filter for embedded platform reports. You can add, edit or delete Custom Fields anytime.

When Bulk Uploading participant data, use the Field Slugs (i.e. business-unit) for your column names.

Filtering Reports with Custom Fields

Once you've set up Custom Fields and assigned these to Users you'll be able to use them to filter platform reports and see dashboard visualizations for the selected field value (i.e for a specific department or region).

Adaptable Reports 

Adaptable Reports are similar to our Program reports, but have a key difference: they leverage Custom Field functionality. Once you map your custom fields to Actionable Business Categories, you have ultimate flexibility on how to filter, view, and showcase your program data right from your Program dashboard. 

To learn more about how to leverage your Custom Fields in Adaptable Reports visit: How do I use Adaptable Reports

Filtering Embedded Platform Reports

  • Program report
  • Program Impact report
  • Program Engagement report
  • Module report
  • Completion report
  • Impact levers
  • Journal Usage
  • Social support

For those with custom reports access (Explore), you'll also be able to use these fields to create more in-depth looks and tiles for analysis and comparisons. See our Looker Explore User Quick Start article for more details. 


  1. Navigate to your Report screen (either via Reports link in sidebar, or Reports tab in your program or client).
  2. Add Program and Module filters (if required)
  3. If custom fields are set up and active for the program, the "Filter by Custom Field #1" option will be visible.
  4. Click the drop down menu to select which field to include in the report.
  5. Under "Values for Custom Field #1" click the drop down and select which value(s) to include in the report. (You can select more than one value. It will aggregate the data vs. show a comparison)
  6. You can cross filter by following the same steps and selecting a second field and values under "Field # 2" option, or leave this blank.
  7. Click "Generate Report"