How Do I Create and Manage a Standalone Habit Builder Session?

This article walks you through the step-by-step process of creating a stand-alone Habit Builder Session in the Actionable Platform.

See also: How do I Create a Program? And Actionable Glossary: Programs

When you create a Standalone Habit Builder Session in the Actionable Platform, you're essentially creating a small Program. The only difference is that instead of multiple Modules being assigned to multiple Groups, you only create one Module and assign it to one Group!

The benefit of setting up a standalone Habit Builder Session as a Program is twofold: it allows you to easily redistribute that Session to another group later by using the Copy from Previous Module feature. And, gives you access to Program-Level Reports. 

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Build your Standalone Habit Builder Session

Build the Program

  1. Click "Create Session" on your Navigation Bar
  2. Click "Create New Session." If you'd like to copy from a previous Session, select that instead.
  3. Select the Client for whom you are creating your Session, or select "Create New Client" and follow the prompts to create a new Client. 
  4. Name your Module. You'll typically use the name of the in-person session in which this Habit Builder will be used. Note that the name must be unique within that client. In other words, the platform will not allow you to use "Time to Think" as the session name for more than one session under that specific client. 
  5. Define additional logistics: Time Zone, Host, Date and Time of your Session, and the number of expected Participants. 
  6. Click "Create."
  7. You will be brought to a Module Editor.

Populate your Module

Populate the Tabs in your Module as per this article: How do I Create and Edit a Module?

A note on Groups

You do not need to populate any Group information (e.g. preloading Participant Names and Email Addresses). Group information will become populated as Participants create their Commitments in your Sessions. 

Add additional Languages, as desired

Actionable's Habit Builder allows you to run your Habit Builder Session in English, French, and Spanish. When they create their Commitment, Participants will be prompted to select their preferred Language out of the Languages that you have selected. 

  1. Click "Add Language."
  2. Select the Language that you wish to add.
  3. After completing the Logistics, Prep Materials, Host Materials, Questions, and Commitments tabs in English, toggle to your additional language by clicking on the Language Name. 
  4. Go back through your Logistics, Prep Materials, Host Materials, Questions, and Commitments tabs and add in translations for all fields. 

Finalize and Distribute your Standalone Session

Schedule and Distribute your Session

  1. Click "Activate" to Activate your Module. This will enable you to schedule the Session associated with your Module.
  2. You will have a choice to view the Program Overview, or to Stay on the Module. You can access distribution details from either view. 

No matter how you access them, you have access to three different distribution options:

  1. Prep Material URL: Distribute this URL via email whenever you would like participants to access their Prep Materials. Note that this URL only appears if you've filled out information in the Prep Materials tab. 
  2. Commitment URL and Session ID: Distribute this URL while live with your participants when you would like them to create their Commitment. They will be asked for a four-digit Session ID, which you will also find in the banner 
  3. QR Code: Alternatively, you can generate and share a QR Code. This will bypass the need for a Session ID. 

Distribute from the Program Overview

  1. Navigate to your Session Card. This is the intersection between your Module (content) and your Group. 
  2. Click the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the Session Card. 
  3. From the dropdown menu, select the distribution option that suits your needs. 

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Distribute from the Module View

  1. On the Logistics Tab, click the Group Name for your Session. This brings you to your Session View. 
  2. At the bottom of your screen, you'll find a banner with distribution links.

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Manage your Habit Builder Session

You can manage your standalone Habit Builder Session in the same way you manage a larger Program. For management details, including how to monitor Participants' progress, leverage engagement tools, and view reports, please see How do I Manage my Program?