Hosts (including Facilitators, Leaders, or Coaches) and Managers can coach and encourage their groups with habit building success by viewing live reports and adding comments right from their Platform Dashboard.
Host visibility must be enabled by your Program Manager or Administrator during program set up or upon request. Managers must be assigned to Participants to have visibility on their teams. Program Managers and Administrators can access commenting features from their Program or Module Screens.
If you are a Program Manager or have Administrator access, you can login to your organization or firm account and access all of these features for any program or session.
Accessing Participant Commitments
- Login to your Dashboard using your organization url (available from your Program Administrator) or the link from one of your notifications. Or, you can go to Note: Administrators can access these features from your Administrator Dashboard.
- You'll see either "My Sessions" or "My Team" depending on your role in the sidebar (or Sessions Tab for Administrators). Click to view and select the session or participant you'd like to access.
- For Hosts: In the Session screen, click on the "Participants" Tab to view general statistics for your group. Go to the "Reports Tab" and select either the Session Report or the Legacy Session Report to see a visualization summary of your group's activity and question responses. You can export reports to pdf by clicking on the three dots at the top of the report or clicking "Export" button (depending on report version).
- For Managers: From the "My Team" screen, select your Participant and session to view. You'll be taken directly to the Commitment dashboard to view their activity and notes.
Commenting on Commitments
Currently Participants, Buddies, Hosts, and Administrators can make one individual comment per commitment each day. Keep this in mind when using individual Commenting and Broadcast features.
Adding Comments for Individuals
- Login to your Dashboard using your organization url or the link from one of your notifications. Or go to Note: Administrators can access all of these features from your Administrator Dashboard.
- In "My Sessions" or "My Team" select the session you'd like to view
- In the Session Dashboard, go to the "Participant Tab" to view the participants in your group
- Click on a participant name to view their Individual Commitment Dashboard
- In the Commitment Dashboard, add your text to the Comment text box
- Click "Comment" button to save and send.
- To scroll through or move to the next Participant, click the arrows next to the Participant name.
Participants will receive a notification about new comments and comment details will appear in the Action Details summary.
Here you can see more about what a participant will receive when a Host comments on their Commitment.
Broadcast Comments to the Group (available Hosts and Administrators only)
- Login to your Dashboard using your organization url or the link from one of your notifications. Or go to Note: Administrators can access all of these features from your Administrator Dashboard.
- In "My Sessions" in your sidebar (or "Sessions" Tab for Administrators) select the session you'd like to view.
- In the Session Dashboard, go to the "Participant Tab" to view statistics for your group.
- Click on "Broadcast Comment" and a pop-up window will appear with options.
- Broadcast Comments to all, or select participants based on their Commitment Theme or status.
- Add you comment text in the text box.
- Click "Broadcast Comment" button.