How Do I View the Progress of My Leader-led Conversations Module?

Once your Conversation Hosts start running their Sessions, you'll have access to all the data and insights you need to track change success for each Group and the Module as a whole.

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Program Overview Screen

Use the Program Overview Screen to get a quick pulse on the status and key metrics for your all Sessions across your Program. 

To view:

  1. Navigate to your Program Overview Screen and specific Leader-led Conversations Module you'd like to review.
  2. Scroll down to review Session tiles:
    1. Sessions with Active Commitments will show % Adoption, average number of Check-ins and the average Rating Change. 
    2. Clicking the information icon will provide more details on the the calculation.

    Leveraging the Module Participants Tab

    The Participants Tab in your Module screen provides quick visibility on several metrics at the Module level, as well as the ability to drill down and preview the Participant Commitment details for each Group.

    To view:

    1. Navigate to your Program Overview Screen.
    2. Select the Leader-led Conversations Module you'd like to review.
    3. Click the options icon (three dots) and select "View/Edit Module."
    4. Select the "Participants" Tab.
      1. To view a specific Group, click the downward arrow to open the table.
      2. To access Session details, click the Session ID in the Group Summary.

    Tip: As you're reviewing Group and Individual Data from the Participant Tab, you may want to send reminders or prompts to these Groups using our Broadcast features. Learn more about Broadcast Scheduling to send personalized comments to Groups either immediately or scheduled for later.

    Nudging Participants without Commitments

    If you notice Sessions have less Commitments than expected, from the Session Participants Tab, you can nudge Participants that have accessed Prep Materials but did not yet make their Commitment. (Also accessible to Hosts with visibility enabled).

    To view:

    1. From the Module Participants Tab - click the Session ID in the Group Summary for the Session you'd like to view. (Or you can navigate to your Session using your preferred method).
    2. In the Session Screen, select the "Participants" Tab. You'll see the details for each Participant.
    3. Review "Participants Without Commitments" table to see who has accessed Prep Materials, but not yet made a Commitment.
    4. Select each Participant you'd like to nudge.
    5. Click "Send Reminder."

    Note: Participants that have not accessed Prep Materials will not be included in the Session Participants Tables and will not have an account or notifications available. You'll need to send a reminder using an alternate method.

    Accessing Key Reports

    For more comprehensive insights and to view aggregate data across multiple Hosts, Conversations, and Modules, you can access key reports from any "Reports" tab in your Module or Program.

    Below are some suggested reports to get started. Learn more about making the most of Actionable Reports here.

    • Session Reports - provides both aggregate data and individual progress related to Adoption (Commitments), Engagement (Check-ins), and Impact (Behavior Change) for a single Conversation, as well as responses and summary visualizations for Prep, Session, Commitment, and Reflection Questions for each Participant.
    • Module Reports - provides a summary of Adoption, Engagement, and Impact for a single Module, with both aggregate and comparisons of Groups or Hosts. Module Reports include  responses and summary visualizations for Prep, Session, Commitment and Reflection Questions for all Sessions.
    • Program Reports - provides a high-level summary of overall Adoption, Engagement, and Impact results across all active Modules in a Program.

    Tip: For reports with summarized responses to your Open Text Questions, you can select the Module or Session Report with AI-Driven Text Analysis. Learn more about our AI-Driven Reports here.