How do I Create Program and Module Templates?

You may want to create Program and/or Module Templates that you can use across multiple clients. We walk you through the easiest way to do that in this article!

See also: How do I Create a Program? How do I Create and Edit a Module?

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Navigate to your Demo Client

Your Demo Client allows you to create demo Programs, Modules, and Habit Builder Sessions that you can demonstrate to prospects. It's also where you store your Demo Programs or Demo Modules, which you can then copy again and again!

  1. Navigate to your Clients List by clicking on "Clients" in the left-hand Navigation Bar. 
  2. Look for your Demo Client. It will typically be titled [Firm Name] Demo. 
  3. Under Programs, click "Create Program."

Create a Program Template

If you're building out a signature program that you will use over and over, follow these instructions to create your Program Template: How do I Create a Program? Create the program exactly as you'll want it in the future. Note that you'll be able to make changes and edits later.

Use your Program Template / Copy from Previous Program

  1. Click "Create Program" on the left-hand Navigation Bar
  2. Click "Copy from Previous Program"
  3. Select your Program Template.
  4. Run through the Program Creation Wizard to verify your Program Details. 

Create Module Templates

Alternatively, you can build a program of Modules that you know you'll use in different places. Create your Program, but title it something like "Module Templates." Then, create the Modules that you will later reuse. 

Use your Module Template / Copy from Previous Module

  1. Create a Program using the Program Creation Wizard or navigate to the program for which you want to add a templated module. No matter how you get to a Program, we recommend that you create it in your Demo Client. 
  2. In the program, click "Create Module."
  3. Navigate to the Module Card for your new Module. 
  4. Click on the More icon, which is represented by three dots.
  5. Click "View/Edit Module"
  6. Select "Copy from Previous Module."
  7. Select the Module that you would like to copy. 
  8. Make edits to your new Module as required. Those edits will only appear to the Module in the Program that you're operating in. If you want to make edits to your Module Template, please see this article: How do I Create and Edit a Module?

Who can Use Templates?

Firm Users will be able to copy Program or Module templates across other clients. 

Administrators will not be able to copy from your templates, as Administrators will not have access to your Demo Client.

If you want to make these available to an Administrator at that Client, you’ll need to make a copy under that Client before your Administrator can use it.