Actionable Programs Terminology Guide

We break down the definitions for every term you'll run in to when creating and managing a Program, including Program, Module, Group, Session, and Host.

See also: How do I Create a Program? and How do I Create a Module?

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What is a Program?

A Program is the delivery of one or more Modules with one or more Groups. Organizing multiple Modules across Groups into a Program enables Program-wide monitoring and reporting to streamline delivery, engagement, and impact tracking. 

In a Program, you can assign one Module to multiple Groups to create specific Sessions for each Group. Groups will use distinct Session IDs or Access Links to access the Module. This allows you to gather data about the impact of a Module on each Group individually, while also tracking the impact of your Modules overall and your Program as a whole.

In the Platform, all components of your Program are visible in the Program Overview Screen.

Program Visual Glossary

What is a Module?

A Module is the content for either a Habit Builder Experience or a Leader-Led Conversation. Think of a Module as a "library book" of content that can be shared again and again. You can copy Modules into different programs across different clients.

The content within a Module typically includes:

  • Prep Materials
  • Host Notes (if applicable)
  • Questions (Prep, Session, Commitment, and Reflection)
  • Commitments

Habit Builder Modules

Habit Builder Modules are typically used when Sessions are hosted by a Facilitator (either yourself, a team member or external partner) often as part of a workshop or course. You set your Module type in the Module Logistics Tab. When assigning Groups and Sessions to Habit Builder Modules in a Program, you will select your Host and Session Date for each Session. 

Leader-Led Conversations Modules

Leader-Led Conversations Modules are typically hosted by a Team Leader or a Manager within your Client Organization and include Conversation Prep Materials for both the Participants and the Host, as well as a Habit Builder. You set your Module type in the Module Logistics Tab. This enables Hosts to schedule their own Conversation Session with their Group, and for you to schedule prompts to invite Hosts to complete the scheduling process in the platform and access their Host materials.

What is a Group?

A Group is a cohort of people (participants) that experience a specific Module or series of Modules in a Program. 

Groups experience those Modules by being assigned a Session, where they make commitments based on the content of that Module using a unique QR Code or Access Link.

What is a Session?

A Session is the intersection between a Group (participants) and a Module (Content). It's a single instance where a Group experiences a specific a Module, i.e. they can access Prep Materials, respond to questions and make a Commitment to a new habit.

Each Session has its own unique QR Code or Access Link / Session ID. Participants use these to Access the url where they will set up their Commitment. All participants that use the unique Access ID have their commitments included in the Session Data. 

What is a Host?

A Host is assigned to each Session within a Program and helps deliver a Habit Builder to a Group. A Host can be a Consultant, Facilitator, or Coach who supports participants during a workshop, learning or coaching experience. For Leader-led Conversation Modules, Hosts are the leader/manager hosting a Conversation with their group or team. Hosts can be assigned at the Group level across multiple sessions, or at the Session level, changing from Session to Session for a single Group.