Looking for more information about how to set up and use Habit Builder? You'll find answers to common questions here!
How do I log into my dashboard?
Login into your Dashboard at https://start.actionable.co/login (or custom URL provided by your Program lead). You can also log into your dashboard through any notification email or text.
How do I change my language settings?
Go to your Account Settings in the top right corner of your dashboard, scroll to "Language Settings" to select your preferred language.
How do I access my Habit Builder Commitment?
Log into your Actionable dashboard. Access your commitment by clicking on My Commitments in the left side menu and selecting the commitment you are working on. You can also access your Commitment by following the link in your notification email.
What are Prep Materials?
Prep Materials are resources for your program (e.g. instructions, downloadable documents, video links, survey questions) typically shared with participants in advance. Your program lead or Host will share a unique url to access these materials. You'll also be able to access Prep Materials directly from your Commitment Dashboard while working on your habit.
What is ‘Session Visibility’?
Toggling Session Visibility "on" will share limited information with the rest of the participants in your session. Other participants will see the last time you checked in, your average rating and the theme of the Commitment you selected. They would not see your notes, or your coach’s/manager’s notes. Session Visibility fosters more connection, recognition and encouragement as your group work towards your new behaviors.
What is an ‘Accountability Buddy’?
You can invite someone (e.g. a colleague, manager, or family member) to support you as you work on your commitment. They'll be notified to check in on your progress during the commitment period (about once a week). You can invite an Accountability Buddy as you create your commitment, or anytime from your Dashboard in your Settings tab. Telling someone about your commitment will increase the likelihood of achieving it!
How often should I check in on my progress?
Participants are “nudged” via email or text by a personalized setting when setting up your commitment. Best practice suggests notifications be set to at least 5 days per week and that participants check in at least 2 times per week. You can adjust your notifications anytime in your Dashboard "Settings" Tab.
How long does it take to check in?
It takes less than 30 seconds to check in. Simply click the link in your notification to access the check in wheel and select your progress rating for the day. Create a quick note on why you gave yourself that rating and you're done!
What if I start my Commitment later in the cycle to the rest of my cohort?
Anyone can end their Commitment early to stay on track. Go to your Dashboard after checking in, scroll below the check in wheel to the tabs. In the "Progress" Tab you’ll find “End Commitment Early” option. By selecting this button, you can complete your reflection and join your cohort with the next commitment.